The Intimacy You Desire & The Possibilities that Call
Did you know that the depth and power of intimacy in your relationship directly correlate to your capacity to access your greatest, innate superhuman powers? Have you noticed that what is actually holding us back in our evolution as a species is that we haven't been shown that vision or had a clear pathway toward developing these powers?
Wait no longer.
Get ready to play YOUR part in tapping into the true powers that have been calling to you through your desires for greater intimacy and a sense of other possibilities.
“Intimacy” here is not just a euphemism for sex but rather refers to a particular kind of energetic exchange between partners that we access when we disarm ourselves, put aside our smaller ego, and step into our capacity to channel the innate, often latent capabilities we have as human beings.
Sometimes we express intimacy through physical interactions- from gazing, to gentle holding, to passionate and soul-opening sexual intercourse. Sometimes we express this intimacy through simply attending to our partner with a particular depth of presence.
In all cases, our most powerful and most satisfying experiences with intimacy arise when we dance with our partner in the realms of::
“Holding” vs. “letting go”
Sensing outward (and into our partner) vs sensing into our own being
BEING the ancient, solid mountain vs releasing the fire and wind and storm within.
This requires:
Removing the helmet and visor that blind our vision.
Taking off the mask that hides our vulnerability and our power
Stripping ourselves of the armor that protects our hearts and being while numbing our capacity to sense and know deeply
Laying down our weapons and shields, knowing that we activate a uniquely potent human power and capacity to protect ourselves when we do so.
You hold the key for your partner, and your partner holds the key for you. Together, you hold the key to what is truly possible and waiting to be unleashed in this world.
Are you willing to continue to “settle” with the status quo? Or are you courageously stepping forward to go “all in” and build a new world rooted in radical love and possibility?
Exploring intimacy in your committed relationship will take you there.
The costs of staying within our status quo include guilt, shame, giving up on your inner sensing and yearning, feelings of being selfish for "wanting more,” and keeping humanity stuck at these lower levels of possibility.
We can turn around this trajectory and radically energize and transform this part of our lives.
To move this forward, I would like to receive at least 100 responses for the survey from people of all genders. Please share this survey with others who would benefit. I’m happy to share the results with you once I’ve collected the numbers needed.
So thank you for completing a 2-minute anonymous survey about intimacy in your relationship and helping to move this work forward.
Here’s the link for the survey for men.
Here’s the link for the survey for women.
In support of transformative relationships and the world we yearn to live in,